5 Tips For Incoming WFU Freshmen!

A brand new adventure full of excitement and learning lies ahead, but going off to college for the first time can be one of the most terrifying experiences of your life. You may be moving to an entirely new place with a lot of unfamiliar faces while learning to live completely on your own.
Don't know where to go for advice on that first year at school? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here are some tips we've compiled to ensure that you milk your freshman year for all it's worth!
1. Make as many friends as possible
You will find that you will meet all kinds of people in college. The friends that go eat frozen yogurt with you at midnight. The friends that really aren't your friends after all. The friends that will be with you throughout your four years in college and even after post-grad. This is probably the most important piece of advice for your college years. Make friends! Oh, PS, it will also build your network when job-hunting after graduation.
2. Go to class and form a relationship with your professor
We repeat, GO TO CLASS. It may be tempting to skip when you've been out late the night before, but consistently going to class will keep you from getting behind on what the professor has been teaching. We know that the professor creates his notes straight from the textbook, but he may also add in his own personal flair as well. Sometimes perfect class attendance even earns you bonus points on those exams!
3. Join a club, join a sorority or join a sporting team
This goes back to tip #1. Sometimes it's difficult getting out there and making new friends. Joining something extracurricular will help bring you together with other people who have the same likenesses that you have.
4. Learn the fight song and go to the sporting events
Don't be the freshman that is sitting on the bleachers while everyone else has stood up yelling the fight song. It's just embarrassing! Also, learn the clapping rhythm that goes along with it. Not a sports fan? Give it a try anyway, you will most likely have fun and begin living for game-days.
5. 12pm is the WORST time to go to the Pit
We know there's no stopping hunger. And when
you're sitting in class at 11:50am and your stomach is out-talking your professor there's only one thing on your mind - the Pit. But do yourself a favor, choose a better time than 12pm. Go at 11:30am or 1pm, because otherwise you'll just be standing in a never ending line.
We hope these tips help you during your first year at WFU. Best wishes for a fantastic freshman year!
Have tips of your own for incoming Wake Forest freshmen? Share them with us on our Facebook page!
Labels: class of 2018, college, freshman, professor, sports, Wake Forest
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