Assistant Food & Beverage Manager Jeffrey Sykes Travels to South American Wine Country
principles: Tradition, Authenticity and Innovation.
The group voyage began in Buenos Aires where they dived into the culture with a tango dancing evening and delicious Argentinean meats. From there the group flew to Mendoza, Argentina’s biggest and most important wine region, which included Lujan de Cuyo, Perdriel and Barrancas. The Chilean wine regions awaited the group on the other side of the Andes. The exploration began in Isla de Maipo and continued to Leyda Valley and Colchagua Valley and concluded with the district of Casablanca. The last leg of this most engaging wine culture and food experience concluded in Santiago, Chile.
Sykes learned much from his trip to South America and hopes to bring his knowledge back to Graylyn where he can continue to work toward keeping some of the best wines stocked at all times while providing that knowledge to Graylyn's guests.
Labels: andes, beverage, chile, food, Graylyn, jeffrey sykes, south america, travel, wine, wine country